Thursday, November 20, 2008: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Room 109-B (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future (T6)

#674 - A Century of Separations (T6007)
This invitation-only session presents an overview of separations science and education from the past and looking forward. The emphasis is on our challenges as educators to prepare students for the separations needs of the future. The last 30 minutes of the session will be a panel discussion with the distinguished session speakers.
Chair:Katherine S. Ziemer
CoChair:Norman W. Loney
CoSponsor(s):Education (04)
Separations Division (02)
3:15 PMSeparations: a Short History and a Cloudy Crystal Ball
Phillip C. Wankat
3:40 PMCO2 Recovery: Myth and Legend
R. Bruce Eldridge
4:05 PMEconomical Lower Energy Intensive Large Scale Separation Devices
William J. Koros
4:30 PMSimultaneous Reaction and Separation
Edward L. Cussler
4:55 PMSeparations Pedagogy
Ronald W. Rousseau
5:20 PMPanel Discussion

See more of Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting