Wednesday, November 19, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Salon E (Marriott Philadelphia Downtown)

Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future (T6)

#513 - The Biological Sciences in Chemical Engineering (T6002)
Biology in Chemical Engineering Education- Past, Present, and Future". This session will review the incorporation of biology into the chemical engineering curriculum from a historical perspective, address current and future needs of students to prepare them for careers in the growing biotech industry,and discuss available resources for faculty, including useful classroom tools and laboratory experiments.
Chair:Randy S. Lewis
CoChair:Claire F. Komives
CoSponsor(s):Education (04)
12:30 PMIntegrating Biology into the Che DNA
Robert M. Kelly
1:00 PMBiology in Che Education: Future-Research Perspectives
Michael L. Shuler
1:30 PMBiology in Che Education: Future – Industry Perspectives
William J. Kelly
2:00 PMDiscussion
2:15 PMWhat¢s What for Faculty Seeking Ready-Made Bio Curriculum
Claire Komives
2:35 PMBiology in Che Education: Classroom and Laboratory Experiments in the University of California, Davis Curriculum
David E. Block, Karen A. McDonald, Marjorie L. Longo

See more of Topical 6: AIChE Centennial: Chemical Engineering Education: Past and Future

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting