Wednesday, November 19, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Salon J (Marriott Philadelphia Downtown)

Topical 2: 5th CAPE-OPEN US Conference (T2)

#476 - Experiences with Cape-Open Interfaces (T2002)
Software developers will report on the implementation and use of CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamic and Unit Operations interfaces.
Chair:Joseph W. Holmes
CoSponsor(s):Information Technology (10e)
12:30 PMPetro-SIM Simulator and Cape-Open: Experiences and Successes
Michael Aylott, Ben Van der Merwe
12:55 PMPro/ii's Progress with Cape-Open
Joseph J. McMullen Jr.
1:20 PMDevelopment of a Cape-Open 1.0 Socket
Eric Radermecker, Ulrika Wising, Marie-Noëlle Dumont
1:45 PMA Comsol Interface to Cape-Open Compliant Physical and Thermodynamic Property Packages
Henrik von Schenck, Gunnar Andersson, Jasper M. Van Baten, Ed Fontes
2:10 PMStatus and Issues of Implementation of a Cape-Open Thermo Interface in the Polymer Kinetics Package Predici
Michael Wulkow
2:35 PMNew Implementation of Cape-Open Thermo 1.1 In Prosim's Software
Olivier Baudouin, Stéphane Dechelotte, Alain Vacher

See more of Topical 2: 5th CAPE-OPEN US Conference

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting