Thursday, November 20, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Room 107-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Engineering Fundamentals in Life Science (15d)

#579 - Biomaterial-Cell Interactions in Tissue Engineering I (15D04)
This session is one of a subgrouping of tissue engineering areas focusing on the material cell interaction.
Chair:Padma Rajagopalan
CoChair:Mariah Hahn
8:30 AMNovel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Hydrogels for Bone Tissue Engineering
Dany Munoz-Pinto, Melissa Grunlan, Mariah S. Hahn
8:50 AMCell Tracking and Cell Ratio Modulation for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
Rohin K. Iyer, Jane Chui, Milica Radisic
9:10 AMMineralized Extracellular Matrix Constructs Support the Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro
F. Kurtis Kasper, Richard A. Thibault, Antonios G. Mikos
9:30 AMModulating Endothelial Cell Response to Crosslinked Artificial Extracellular Matrix Proteins
Julie C. Liu, David A. Tirrell
9:50 AMBreak
10:00 AMA New Technique for Primary Hepatocyte Proliferation in Vitro
Cheul H. Cho, François Berthiaume, Arno W. Tilles, Martin Yarmush
10:20 AMEffect of Uniaxial Cyclic Stretch on Morphology and Gene Expression by Ligament Progenitor Cells Seeded on Electrospun Fibrous Meshes
Chris A. Bashur, Scott A. Guelcher, Aaron S. Goldstein
10:40 AMIGF-1 Signaling of Chondrocytes Embedded In Alginate-Hyaluronic Hydrogels
Diana M. Yoon, A. Hari Reddi, John P. Fisher

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