Thursday, November 20, 2008: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Room 203-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Topical 4: Sustainable Biorefineries (T4)

#639 - Developments in Biobased Alternative Fuels I (T4009)
Papers are sought that address research and development toward the sustainable use of bio-based alternative fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to: (1) R&D devoted to the development of innovative processes for the production of ethanol or biodiesel; (2) The application of core chemical engineering principles to pilot- or larger-scale ethanol or biodiesel production; and (3) Production of other bio-based alternative fuels such as microbial hydrogen production, etc.
Chair:Brian Duff
CoChair:Marcus Rajchel
CoSponsor(s):Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20)
Bioengineering (15c)
Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division (17)
Sustainable Engineering Forum (23)
12:30 PMEnhancement of Enzymatic Digestibility of Microcrystalline Cellulose by Treatment in Subcritical Water
Sandeep Kumar, Rajesh Gupta, Y. Y. Lee, Ram B. Gupta
12:55 PMA Scraped Surface Bio-Reactor for Batch Enzymatic Saccharification of Pretreated Corn Stover Slurries
Rajesh K. Dasari, Kyle W. Dunaway, R. Eric Berson
1:20 PMEnzo-Rheology: Investigations of High-Solids Biomass Slurries for Bio-Refinery Applications
Jeffrey Knutsen, Matthew W. Liberatore
1:45 PMSize Reduction Fundamentals for Biomass Conversion
J.Y. Zhu
2:10 PMConversion of Lignocellulosic Sugars to Triacylglycerols: A Renewable Diesel Feedstock
Guochang Zhang, Dr. William T. French, Rafael Hernandez, Earl G. Alley, Maria C. Paraschivescu
2:35 PMDemonstration of a Viable Hydrogenase Assay for Syngas Fermentation to Ethanol: Quantitative Accounting for Competing Reactions, Enzyme Inhibition, and Diffusion Limitations
Bradley E. Skidmore, Jason M. Bray, Douglas R. Tree, Randy S. Lewis

See more of Topical 4: Sustainable Biorefineries

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting