Wednesday, November 19, 2008: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Room 201-C (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Topical 4: Sustainable Biorefineries (T4)

#450 - Sustainable Biorefineries Plenary Session (Invited Papers) (T4001)
Visionary talks (invited) will outline commercial, governmental, or academic efforts to advance multi-product biorefineries. Topics likely to be addressed include: development or improvement -- including conceptual analysis and life cycle assessments -- of renewable feedstocks-based multiproduct biorefineries, i.e., based on starch or oil crops and/or lignocellulosic biomass; development of enabling catalytic and/or separative processes; discovery or development of enabling enzyme or fermentative/microbial technologies or bio-based materials.
Chair:Bruce S. Dien
CoChair:David N. Thompson
CoSponsor(s):Bioengineering (15c)
Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division (17)
Sustainable Engineering Forum (23)
8:30 AMBioenergy Conversion and Science – Challenges in Making Cellulosic Fuels
Brian H. Davison
9:00 AMAn Investor Perspective on Biofuels Commercialization and the Developing Bioeconomy
Douglas C. Cameron
9:30 AMBiofuels: Unlocking the Potential
Joseph Kocal, Jennifer Holmgren
10:00 AMPoet's Vision for the Future of Biorefining
Jason Kwiatkowski, David Carlson
10:30 AMProcess Engineering of Renewable Resources for Ethanol Production
Michael Ladisch

See more of Topical 4: Sustainable Biorefineries

See more of The 2008 Annual Meeting