Tuesday, November 18, 2008: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Room 203-A (Pennsylvania Convention Center)

Computers in Operations and Information Processing (10c)

#343 - Dynamic Simulation & Optimization (10C04)
Most chemical and biochemical systems and process operations are dynamic in nature where improved understanding and the analysis of the system dynamics may lead to substantial improvements in the development and control of these systems. The session invites papers on the dynamic simulation, control and optimization of various such systems. New algorithmic development in solving dynamic optimization problems and applications and tools for dynamic simulation are considered, including large-scale, distributed parameter, and hybrid systems. Application areas and examples from various physical systems involving embedded dynamic constraints are also encouraged.
Chair:Carl A. Schweiger
CoChair:Carl D. Laird
3:15 PMGlobal Optimization of Algorithms
Alexander Mitsos, Benoît Chachuat, Paul I. Barton
3:36 PMAn Inexact Trust Region Algorithm for Large-Scale Process Optimization with Dense Jacobians
Sree Rama Raju Vetukuri, Lorenz T. Biegler, Andrea Walther
3:57 PMOptimal Flow Assurance Policies for Hydrate Prevention In Deep-Water Gas Production Systems
Eduardo Luna-Ortiz, Praveen Lawrence, Costas C. Pantelides, Claire S. Adjiman, Charles D. Immanuel
4:18 PMPlantwide Optimizing Control of Bioprocesses: Bio-Ethanol Process Case Study
Silvia Ochoa, Jens-Uwe Repke, Günter Wozny
4:39 PMDynamic Optimization of An Evaporator with a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for Application at Modular Micro Rectification
Ralf Knauss, R. Marr, M. Siebenhofer
5:00 PMA Decomposition Approach to Optimal Operation of Fermentation Processes
Harvey Arellano-Garcia

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