The “strings” approach involves organizing undergraduate ChE courses into four course strings: (1) thermodynamics and kinetics; (2) emerging fundamentals and applications; (2) transport phenomena; and (4) systems design. Course string faculty committees formed address the following key issues: what must undergraduate engineers learn/accomplish in the course string to be successful throughout their academic career and in the next generation professional settings; what obstacles exist to providing the necessary educational experiences; and how can we effect change and what changes (integration) need to be made to an existing curriculum. Course string faculty committees hold regular meetings to address these questions. Strategies for implementation of course portfolios and integrated assessment of course objectives and outcomes in preparation for ABET review are also part of discussions by faculty committees. In the past academic year, the committee members redefined expectations of each course as well as educational goals of each course and measurable outcomes. The alignment of each course's educational objectives and outcomes and expectations of courses from students was evaluated. Syllabi analysis provided invaluable information to enhance the alignment of the courses. The end-of-semester faculty and student evaluations provided direct and indirect feedback for assessment. The process, experiences, and findings will be presented.