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Articulated Experiences in Pilot Plant

Eleonora Erdmann1, Lorgio Mercado1, Liliana Ale Ruiz1, and Adolfo Riveros Zapata2. (1) Facultad de Ingeniería, CIUNSa-Universidad Nacional de Salta- INIQUI-CONICET, Av. Bolivia 5150, Salta, 4400, Argentina, (2) Facultad de Ingeniería, CIUNSa.Universidad Nacional de Salta-INBEMI, Av. Bolivia 5150, Salta, 4400, Argentina


The interdisciplinarity demonstrates the nexuses between different subjects, reflecting a good scientific conception of the world, which demonstrates how the phenomena do not exist separately, and that when they are been interrelated by the content, a picture of interpretation, interaction and dependency of the development of the world are designed.

If a suitable relation is obtained between the different subjects from a curriculum, this action influences in the increase of the education effectiveness quantitative and qualitatively, which means a better formation of the students, then the teacher results with a greater preparation. This constitutes in addition, a didactic condition and the exigency for the fulfillment of the scientific character of education. The knowledge without entailment to each other breaks the conscious assimilation of the knowledge and abilities.

On this, Krupskaia indicated, “if we want to transmit to the educating the essence of the scientific conception of the world, we do not have to teach incoherent knowledge but with its corresponding and certain relation to each other, in this sense we only conceived a more integral character to this”.

Practical articulation of Specific Subjects in Chemical Engineering

On the base of the objective of the articulation between specific subjects of the Curriculum of the Chemical Engineering Career and to reinforce the practical formation of the students with experiences on scale pilot, a proposal is presented to implement a course of summer for the students of Chemical Engineering in the last period.

These courses of summer will consist of a set of experiences in Plant Pilot, which are designed in order to the experimental results give information to make an integrated project.

It tries in turn the student participates in the discussion of the programming experiences and in the conditioning of the experimental equipments.

This course is proposed in order to articulate subjects such as, for example, Organic Chemistry, Kinetic Chemistry, Physical - Chemistry, Operations and Processes, Auxiliary Services and Environmental Management, so that the students use the knowledge learned during the Career, to integrate the concepts and the practical formation.


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