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Effects of Water to Sucrose Ratio and Pressure on Hydrogen Production during Supercritical Water Reformation of Sucrose

Michael S. Stever, Jason W. Picou, Jared S. Bouquet, and Sunggyu Lee. Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 143 Schrenk Hall, Rolla, MO 65409

Sucrose, a renewable resource derived from sugarcane or sugar beet, was reformed to hydrogen using supercritical water as a novel reacting medium that acts both as a solvent and a reactant. Supercritical water has been demonstrated as an effective reformation medium for a variety of hydrocarbons including renewable energy sources derived from bioethanol and biodiesel. Temperature and space time were held constant while reactor pressure was varied from 17.94 to 30.90 MPa in a 400 mL Hanyes Alloy 230 tubular reactor and the resultant effect on gaseous hydrogen production was investigated. In addition, the water to sucrose mass ratio was varied from 9 to 28 and the effects on gaseous hydrogen production explored.

Web Page: web.mst.edu/~leesu