The integration of these two processes increases the overall carbon efficiency (~100%), and the energy efficiency of the process is increased from 29.2% to 55%. The most important result of this integration is the reduction in the amount of biomass required to support the entire Brazilian transportation sector by a factor of 3. Sugarcane ethanol alone would require 2.1% of the total land area of Brazil in order to completely support the transportation sector, while the H2CAR process integrated with ethanol bio-refineries would require 0.78% of the total land area to grow sugarcane. This is less than what is harvested today in Brazil, a significant result that could one day make Brazil the world's largest exporter of sustainable fuels.
“Sustainable fuel for the transportation sector,” Rakesh Agrawal, Navneet R Singh, Fabio H. Ribeiro & W. Nicholas Delgass. PNAS, 104 (12), 4828-4833 (2007).