In this work, we performed a series of classical molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the filling and structure of water in the cylindrical nanotube with diameter of 0.81 nm under ambient conditions. The non-electrostatic wall-water interactions were tuned to “hydrophobic” and “normal” Carbon-Oxygen potentials. Four types of partial charges for the wall atoms were investigated, including -1.0e, -0.5e, zero, 0.5e and 1.0e. The simulation results show that the pore with “normal” potentials quickly filled with water, and a single-file water chain is formed in the pore. The partial charge of the tube has minute effect to the filling and structure of water in this “normal” nanotube. No filling of water is observed in the neutral nanotube with “hydrophobic” potentials. The enhancement of the electrostatic interactions, with addition of the partial charge of the wall, could only make water fill the area of tube mouth, whereas the central part of the tube is still not filled. This suggests that, in the narrow nanotube, the non-electrostatic wall-water interactions determine the filling and structure of water inside pore other than the wall polarization. The electrostatic interaction may benefit the adsorption of water inside those hydrophobic narrow pores. However, such effect may be short-rang. As to the pore with larger length, the electrostatic-induced filling only happened near the pore-mouth.
Keywords: nanotube, simulation, confinement
Acknowledge: This work is supported by Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (PCSIRT 0732)