This investigation aims to discover and test possible local fuel alternatives that can be easily transported to NTG at a cost lower than the current fuels. Possible options include glycerol, off-spec flour, various wood wastes and cotton wastes. Combustion experiments were performed using bomb calorimetry. These results were combined with moisture and density analysis to obtain a BTU density to determine combustion efficiency. With these results, the optimum mixture of glycerol and solid fuel source can be obtained. The boilers at NTG also produce large quantities of bottoms ash. Samples of this ash have been collected and tested for their potential use as a soil amendment for plants at the facility. Using these results, a experimental matrix has been set up. It outlines the plan to grow begonia (Begoniaceae) plants at the greenhouse using this ash. There has also been a problem with slag build-up in the boilers, as well as fly ash emissions from the boilers at NTG. Solutions to these problems will be investigated as work with NTG continues. This study aims to evaluate the impact of these problems while providing real-world solutions that will allow the NTG to lower their overall heating costs.