Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco)
#442 - Engineering Treatment and Analysis of Diseases Poster Session (15011)
One of 12 Group 15 poster sessions.
Chair:Mariajose Castellanos
CoChair:Patrick C. Cirino
Investigating the Mitochondria's Role in the Oxidative Stress of Baculovirus-Infected Cells
Elena L. Bond, Gaurav Chauhan, Kathleen Doherty, Rebecca Turner, David W. Murhammer
Comparisons of Gene Expression Systems for Production of Recombinant Human Therapeutics in Transgenic Plant Cell Cultures
Ting-Kuo Huang, Michael A. Plesha, Mysore R. Sudarshana, Sandra L. Uratsu, David M. Tricoli, Bryce W. Falk, Abhaya M. Dandekar, Alan P. Jackman, Karen A. McDonald
Modeling the Mechanism of Drug Transport to Solid Tumors
Nilmini S. Wijeratne, Karlene Hoo
Cellular Libraries of Peptide Substrates (Clips): a Method for Rapid Protease Characterization
Kevin T. Boulware, Patrick S. Daugherty
Effects of Retinoic Acid on Hepatocyte Morphology, Proliferation and Function
Michelle R. Burley, Charles M. Roth
A New De Novo Approach for Optimizing Peptides That Inhibit HIV-1 Entry
Ho Ki Fung, Christodoulos A. Floudas, Robert F. Siliciano, Martin S. Taylor
Using 3-D Tissue Model in High-Throughput Screening: Key to Improve Drug Discovery
Xudong Zhang, Shang-Tian Yang
Donor Variation in Proliferation and Multipotency of Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
Bonnie L. Barrilleaux, Donald G. Phinney, Benjamin W. Fischer-Valuck, Ross B. Gonzales, Darwin Prockop, Kim C. O'Connor
Evaluation of Leukemia Chemotherapy Using Stochastic Equations of Population Balance Models
Eric Sherer, Robert E. Hannemann, Ann E. Rundell, Doraiswami Ramkrishna
Effects of Flavonoids from Recombinant Microorganisms on Pancreatic Β-Cell Insulin Regulation
Lye T. Lock, Joseph Chemler, Mattheos Koffas, Manolis S. Tzanakakis
Microscopic and Coarse Grained Stochastic Simulation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Diffusion on Corralled Membrane Surfaces
Anne Marie S. Niehaus, Dionisios G. Vlachos, Jeremy S. Edwards
Modeling Cellular Immortality in Cancer Cells
Kim Seng Cheong, Shamsuzzaman Farooq, Richard D. Braatz
Enhanced Tumor Oxygenation with Hemoglobin Based Oxygen Carriers
Andre Palmer, Sharon I. Gundersen
Immunoconjugates and Quantum Dot-Peptide Assemblies for the Detection and Ablation of Advanced Prostate Cancer Cells
Kaushal Rege, Suraj J. Patel, Zaki Megeed, Kevin N. Nikitczuk, Thomas Pons, Hedi Mattoussi, Martin L. Yarmush

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