Sunday, November 12, 2006: 3:00 PM-5:30 PM
Continental 4+5+6 (Hilton San Francisco)
#6 - The Future of Chemical Engineering - A Roundtable Discussion with Industrial and Government Leaders (18000)
For R&D professionals, AIChE’s Annual Meeting provides an open forum to present papers to fellow engineers and scientists from around the world. For students, the national conference is the ideal place to learn, network and receive recognition. An emphasis of the meeting will be globalization and the diversity of industries the chemical engineering profession serves. Leaders from around the world representing countries and high-profile organizations, which employ chemical engineers will talk about the future of the profession from the perspective of their industry/country.
Chair:John C. Chen
Cochairs:John Sofranko
Joseph V. Porcelli
3:00 PMWelcoming Remarks
3:10 PMThe Future of Chemical Engineering: a Perspective from a Developing Nation: Trinidad & Tobago (West Indies)
G. Maxwell Richards
3:25 PMThe Future of Chemical Engineering: a Perspective from the Energy Industry (Chevron)
Shariq Yosufzai
3:40 PMChemical Engineering: A Boundaryless Profession
Greg Lewin
3:55 PMThe Future of Chemical Engineering: a Perspective from the Semiconductor Industry
Sass Somekh
4:10 PMEnergy Scenario in India
Dr. S. C. Naik
4:25 PMThe Future of Chemical Engineering: a Perspective from the Biotechnology Industry
Ann L. Lee
4:40 PMPanel Discussion and Questions

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