Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Franciscan D (Hilton San Francisco)
#232 - Fundamental of Fluidization II: In Honor of Prof. Bob Pfeffer on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (03B05)
The session will cover topics in all aspects of fluidization and fluid particle systems involving gas/solid, liquid/solid, and gas/liquid/solid phases. Papers presenting research related to experimental, analytical, and computational approaches in elucidating the mechanism of reactive and non-reactive fluid-particle interactions and their effects on the flow systems are invited.
Chair:Marc-Olivier Coppens
CoChair:L. S. Fan
12:30 PMMicroparticle Flow in Liquid Medium: 3-D Velocity Measurements in Microchannels
L. S. Fan, Orin L. Hemminger, Zhao Yu, L. James Lee
12:50 PMEffect of Solids Loading, Reynolds Number, and Particle Size Distribution on Velocity Fluctuations in Fluid-Particle Flows
Jennifer S. Curtis
1:08 PMEnhanced Fluidization of Cohesive Particles by Surface Modification
Rajesh Dave
1:26 PMFunctionalization of Ultrafine Particles by Atomic Layer Deposition in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
Alan W. Weimer, Luis F. Hakim, David M. King, Joseph A. Spencer
1:44 PMTheoretical Studies of Nanoparticle Fluidizations
Gary Liu, Robert Pfeffer
2:02 PMThe Effect of Drag Laws on the Prediction of Fluidized Bed Bubbling
Gustavo G. Joseph, José Leboreiro, Christine M. Hrenya
2:20 PM3-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Horizontal Rotating Fluidized Bed
Azita Ahmadzadeh, Hamid Arastoopour
2:38 PMA Rotating Fluidized Bed in a Static Geometry: Experimental Proof of Concept
Juray De Wilde, Guy B. Marin, Geraldine J. Heynderickx, Axel De Broqueville

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