Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Continental 2 (Hilton San Francisco)
#373 - Alternative Fuels II (20050)
This session acts as a forum for researchers with novel ideas and discoveries in the field of alternative fuels. Topics of interests include: Alternate Fuels / Chemicals / New materials New process developments for Fuels Manufacture / Synthesis - Recently discovered reaction mechanisms - Innovative approaches of emission-control technologies and by-product utilizations - Novel computational and modeling methods Environmental policy and Barrels to Wheels economics Other related topics
Chair:Wei-Yin Chen
CoChair:Prasanna V. Joshi
12:30 PMComparison Studies on the Production of Biodiesel and the Analysis of Its Properties and Potential from Pongamia and Waste Cooking Oil
Asha Immanuel Raju Chaduvula, Sarat Babu Imandi, Sita Kumari Karanam, Kiran Kumar Nalla, Gangadhar Madabathula
1:00 PMProduction of Biodiesel from Peanut Oil by Transesterification
Jianan Zhang, Yujie Zhou, Keke Cheng, Hongjuan Liu, Yanliang Wang
1:30 PMEmissions from Hydrogen-Compressed Natural Gas Fueled Vehicles Involving Various Driving Cycles
Robert W. Peters, Henry Ng, Fouad H. Fouad
2:00 PMStable Oxides on Chars and Impact of Reactor Materials at High Temperatures
Wei-Yin Chen, Shaolong Wan, Guang Shi
2:30 PMFischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Microstructured Reactors: from Laboratory to Commercial Systems
Anna Lee Tonkovich, Kai Jarosch, Terry Mazanec, Sean Fitzgerald, Jeff McDaniel, Tim Werner, Yong Wang

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