Friday, November 17, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Franciscan C (Hilton San Francisco)
#652 - Advances in Co Hydrogenation II (20054)
This session examines catalysis and reaction engineering aspects of CO hydrogenation.
Chair:Dragomir B. Bukur
CoChair:Dady B. Dadyburjor
12:30 PMWelcoming Remarks
12:35 PMFischer-Tropsch Synthesis: a Comparison of Iron and Cobalt Catalysts
Mingsheng Luo, Shiqi Bao, Robert A. Keogh, Amitava Sarkar, Gary Jacobs, Burtron H. Davis
12:55 PMAdsorption/Reaction of CO on Fe Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts
Calvin H. Bartholomew, Hu Zou, Uchenna Paul
1:15 PMCarbon Nanotubes as a Support for Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts
Abhaya Datye, Neil J. Coville, Mangesh T. Bore, Munga Bahome
1:35 PMEffect of Potassium on Oxygenates and Hydrocarbons over Carbon-Supported Iron Catalysts
Wenping Ma, Edwin L. Kugler, Dady B. Dadyburjor
1:55 PMIntermission
2:00 PMSpray Dried Iron Catalysts for Slurry Phase Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Dragomir B. Bukur, Wenping Ma, Victor H. Carreto
2:20 PMSlurry Phase Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalyzed by Nano-Sized Iron: Effect of Particle Size
Devinder Mahajan, Nathan Hould, Jonathan Fletcher, Sheena Joseph, Philipp Gütlich
2:40 PMModifications of Fischer-Tropsch Product Distribution in Modular Reactor Systems
Jim Bucher, Johannes Schwank

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