Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Union Square 22 (Hilton San Francisco)
#221 - Biomolecules at Interfaces IV - from Bacterial Adhesion to the Influence of an Electrical Potential (01C26)
Chair:Maria M. Santore
Cochairs:Clayton J. Radke
Marina Tsianou
12:30 PMProtein Film Voltammetry: from New Excitation Waveforms to Novel Signal Processing Techniques
Costas A. Anastassiou, Kim H Parker, Danny O'Hare
12:45 PMSingle Molecule Force Measurements: New Insight into Macromolecules
Amit Dutta, Mirco Sorci, Victoria Derbyshire, Georges Belfort
1:00 PMColloidal Bridging Forces from Multiple Tethered Ligand-Receptor Bonds
Nathan W. Moore, Tonya L. Kuhl
1:15 PMBacterial Fouling Characteristics of the Surfaces of Poly (Ethylene Glycol), Dextran and Zwitterionic-Based Material
Gang Cheng, James D. Bryers, Shaoyi Jiang
1:30 PMModeling Protein Adsorption with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Shanna J. Smith, Stephen P. Beaudoin
1:45 PMImpedance Biosensors through Direct Protein Immobilization Onto Au
Ian I. Suni, Jianbin Wang, Linda A. Luck
2:00 PMΒ-Amyloid Assemblage-Lipid Interactions
Martin Widenbrant, Jaykumar Rajadas, Gerald G. Fuller
2:15 PMContinuous Polypeptide Adsorption under an Applied Electric Potential
A. Pascal Ngankam, Paul R. Van Tassel
2:30 PMDynamic Interactions of Live Group B Streptococci with Soluble and Adsorbed Fibronectin
Jared Shannon, Jim Hull, Glen Tamura, David G. Castner
2:45 PMInsulin Fibrillation Kinetics at Interfaces
Arpan Nayak, Amit Dutta, Chuang-Chung Lee, Gregory J. McRae, Georges Belfort

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