Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Mason (Hilton San Francisco)
#343 - Distillation Honors: Zarko Olujic II (02A03)
This session will be dedicated to showcasing the lifetime of engineering experiences of our honoree. While primarily an invite-only session, authors may submit topics related to Zarko Olujic and his work for consideration.
Chair:Nicholas F. Urbanski
CoChair:Ross Taylor
8:30 AMEvaluation of Higee for Distillation
Michael J. Lockett, D. P Rao
8:55 AMModeling of Reactive Dividing Wall Columns
Ivo Mueller, Eugeny Y. Kenig
9:20 AMHybrid Membrane-Distillation Processes
Peter Kreis, Andrzej Gorak
9:45 AMAn Overview of a Japanese National Project: Development of Technology for Energy-Saving Distillation through Internal Heat Exchange (Hidic)
Shuzo Ohe
10:10 AMLiquid Flow Distribution in Catalytic Distillation Columns: Use of High Energy X-Ray Tomography
Michel Crine, Anil K. Saroha, Said Aferka, Dominique Toye, Pierre Marchot
10:35 AMEffective Mass Transfer Areas in Packed Absorbers
Frank Seibert, James R. Fair, Chris Lewis

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