Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Continental 2 (Hilton San Francisco)
#240 - Membranes for Bioseparations II (02D16)
This session will concentrate on the theoretical principles and practical considerations that underlie the use of membranes in the downstream processing of biopharmaceutical products (e.g. microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, virus filtration, and membrane chromatography). Papers describing advances in membrane processes, new membrane materials and applications, and case studies of membrane systems in the biopharmaceutical industry are sought.
Chair:Nuno Fontes
CoChair:Andrew Zydney
12:30 PMSeparation of Macromolecules by Dynamic Ultrafiltration
Gunnar Jonsson
12:50 PMFurther Study of the Effect of Electrostatic Properties in Binary Protein Ultrafiltration
Yiheng Wang, Victor G. J. Rodgers
1:10 PMMembrane Cascades for Downstream Processing
Edwin N. Lightfoot
1:30 PMUltrafiltration Characteristics of Plasmid DNA
David R. Latulippe, Kimberly A. Ager, Andrew Zydney
1:50 PMTechniques for Ultrafiltration Membrane Scale-up and Scale down
Benjamin R. McLaughlin, Chris Antoniou, Jon Steen
2:10 PMSelective Separation of HIV-Tat Protein Using Functionalized Stacked Microfiltration Membranes: Enhancement of Flux and Recovery of Protein
Saurav Datta, A. Nath, D. Bhattacharyya
2:30 PMEvaluation of Affinity Membrane Adsorbers for Antibody Purification
Cristiana Boi, Simone Dimartino, Peter Van Beijeren, Giulio C. Sarti

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