Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Continental 3 (Hilton San Francisco)
#170 - Artificial Organs, Bioreactors and Disease Modelling (TG011)
Discussion in advances in artificial organs bioreactors and modeling
Chair:Tetsuji Yamaoka
CoChair:Robert S. Parker
8:30 AMNetwork-Based Mechanistic Model for Tumor Growth Development
Danilo Ribeiro, Jose M. Pinto
8:50 AMModelling of Endovascular Coil Embolisation of Cerebral Aneurysms
Nikolaos Kakalis, Tim Bowker, Aristotelis Mitsos, Paul Summers, James Byrne, Yiannis Ventikos
9:10 AMOrigami - the Retrosynthesis of Organ
Masashige Shinkai, Kengo Yamawaki, Li Wang, Teruyuki Nagamune
9:30 AMCells Culture in Perfusion Bioreactors: Analysis and Selection of Scaffold Channelling Structure Based on Reynolds and Peclet Numbers
Francesco Coletti, Sandro Macchietto
9:50 AMThree-Dimensional Cell Seeding and Culture in Novel Radial-Flow Perfusion Bioreactor
Tetsuji Yamaoka
10:10 AMA Porous Perfusion Bioreactor That Possess Microchannels: Its Fabrication by Selective Laser Sintering and Preliminary Evaluation of Culture of Human Hepatoma Hep G2 Cells
Hongyun Huang, Hiromichi Naruke, Shunsuke Oizumi, Nobuhiko Kojima, Toshiki Niino, Yasuyuki Sakai
10:30 AMKinetics of Nitric Oxide Interactions with a Cysteine-Modified Polymer
Jun Gu, Randy S. Lewis

See more of Topical G: US - Japan Joint Topical Conference on Medical Engineering, Drug Delivery Systems and Therapeutic Systems

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