Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 6:30 PM-9:00 PM
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco)
#475 - General Papers on Medical Engineering, Drug Delivery and Therapeutic Systems: Poster Session (TG008)
Poster paper session
Chair:Takeo Yamaguchi
Cochairs:Surya K. Mallapragada
Takashi Miyata
Esmaiel Jabbari
Tethered pH Responsive Biomaterials for Mucoadhesive Oral Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems
J. Brock Thomas, Joseph Tingsanchali, Courtney M. Creecy, Adrianne M. Rosales, James W. McGinity, Nicholas A. Peppas
Preparation of Efficient Gene Carriers Using Polyamidoamine Dendron-Bearing Cationic Lipids with Different Alkyl Chains
Toshinari Takahashi, Chie Kojima, Atsushi Harada, Kenji Kono
DNA-Encapsulation Using Self-Assembled Peptide Architectures
Raymond Tu
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Sterilization of Medical-Grade Polymers
Aidaris Jimenez, Gary Lee Thompson, Michael A. Matthews, Thomas A. Davis, Kevin Crocker, Jed Lyons, Arthur Trapotsis
Characterizing Transport Enhancement by P(Maa-G-Eg) Drug Carriers in the Presence of Mucus
Omar Z. Fisher, Ming Lin, Nicholas A. Peppas
Study of Targeted Particulate Adhesion to Cellulose Surfaces Mediated by Bifunctional Fusion Proteins
Gautam Pangu, Eric Johnston, Jordan Petkov, Neil Parry, Matthew Leach, Daniel A. Hammer
Sustained Ophthalmic Delivery of Timolol from Molecular Imprinted Contact Lenses
Haruyuki Hiratani, Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo, Yuri Mizutani
Enzymatic Polymerization of Natural Phenolic Lipids and Their Potential Application as Anti-Biofouling Materials
Rahul Chelikani, Kim Dong Shik
Enhanced Cell-Seeding into 3-D Scaffolds by Use of Magnetite Nanoparticles for Tissue Engineering
Kazunori Shimizu, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda
Preparation of Chromatography Matrices Having Thermoresponsive Polymer Brush Structure
Kenichi Nagase, Jun Kobayashi, Akihiko Kikuchi, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Hideko Kanazawa, Teruo Okano
Mechanical Properties of Microporous Foams of Biodegradable Polyesters Formed Via Thermally Induced Phase Separation
Takaaki Tanaka, Takashi Aoki, Satoko Eguchi, Masayuki Taniguchi, Wataru Ogawa, Yuji Tanabe, Douglas R. Lloyd
Preparation of Microspherical Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds
Isao Kimura, Tatsuro Honma, Richard E. Riman
Effect of Particulate Surfactant on Stability of the W/O Dispersion and Microencapsulation of Water
Yoshinari Taguchi, Disuke Nakamura, Natsukaze Saito, Masato Tanaka
Preparation of Acellularized Bone Using Ultra High Pressure Technology for Tissue Engineering
Yoshihide Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Kwangwoo Nam, Toshiya Fujisato, Akio Kishida
Cell Micropatterning Using Magnetite Nanoparticles and Magnetic Force
Kosuke Ino, Kazunori Shimizu, Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Honda
Development of Novel Cell Separation System Using Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide)-Graft-Polypropylene Non-Woven Membrane with Antibody
Shinji Sugiura, Aiko Okamura, Fumiko Yoshida, Toshio Shinbo, Toshiyuki Kanamori
Model Analysis of Oxygen Diffusion/Consumption for Cell Culture System to Optimally Design Scaffold and Microbiochip
Kimio Sumaru, Shinji Sugiura, Toshiyuki Kanamori
Msc Separation on Bioactive Molecule-Immobilized Column
Atsushi Mahara, Tetsuji Yamaoka
On-off Control of Drug Permeation through Antigen-Responsive Gels
Takashi Miyata, Noriko Asami, Tadashi Uragami
Design of Biodegradable Hydrogel by Nanogel Engineering
Urara Hasegawa, Nobuyuki Morimoto, Kazunari Akiyoshi
Preparation of Hydrogen Bonding Polymer Structures Using Ultra High Pressure Technology as Drug Carrier
Yoshiyuki Miura, Kimio Kurita, Kwangwoo Nam, Shingo Mutsuo, Hidekazu Yoshizawa, Toshiya Fujisato, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Akio Kishida
Preparation of Polysuccinimide Microcapsules with pH-Response of Drug Release
Satoru Nishino, Tsutomu Ono, Yoshiro Kitamura, Akio Kishida, Hidekazu Yoshizawa
Protein Encapsulation into Thermo-Responsive Biodegradable Nanospheres
Tsutomu Ono, Fumiaki Tanimoto, Hideki Miwake, Hidekazu Yoshizawa
Novel Iontophoresis System for Delivery of Chemically Unstable Drugs
Hirotoshi Adachi, Seiji Tokumoto, Dange Veerapaneni
Internal Model Control of Blood Sugar with Model Uncertainty
Scott A. Cooper, Charles J. Coronella, Victor R. Vasquez
Identification of Correlation and Uncertainty among Parameters Affecting the Dynamics of Blood Glucose Models: Effect of Experimental Uncertainty
Victor R. Vasquez, Scott A. Cooper, Charles J. Coronella
Design of Dry Powder Inhalation by a Novel Supercritical Freeze Granulation
Yuki Arieda, Tomohiro Iwasaki, Satoru Watano, Daisuke Iwamoto, Kenji Hamada
Microencapsulation of Living Cells into 150 Micrometer Microcapsules Using Micro-Airflow-Nozzle
Shinji Sugiura, Tatsuya Oda, Yasuyuki Aoyagi, Ryota Matsuo, Tsuyoshi Enomoto, Kunio Matsumoto, Toshikazu Nakamura, Mitsuo Satake, Atsushi Ochiai, Nobuhiro Ohkohchi, Mitsutoshi Nakajima
On the Use of a Ferromagnetic Stent for Implant Assisted Magnetic Drug Targeting
Misael O. Aviles, Armin D. Ebner, James A. Ritter
In Vitro and in Vivo Studies of Staphylococcus Epidermidis Adhesion and Colonization on Modified Silicone Surfaces
Haiying Tang, Kelley Brabant, Xuemei Liang, Ting Cao, Anfeng Wang, Steven O. Salley, James P. McAllister II, K. Y. Simon Ng
pH-Sensitive Drug Delivery System Formulated by Polymerized Bicontinuous Microemulsions for Sustained Enzyme Release
Fen Ye, Ping Wang, H. Michael Cheung

See more of Topical G: US - Japan Joint Topical Conference on Medical Engineering, Drug Delivery Systems and Therapeutic Systems

See more of The 2006 Annual Meeting