Thursday, November 16, 2006: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Yosemite B (Hilton San Francisco)
#584 - Developments in Biobased Alternative Fuels (15C19)
Papers are sought that address research and development toward the sustainable use of bio-based alternative fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to: (1) R&D devoted to the development of innovative processes for the production of ethanol or biodiesel; (2) The application of core chemical engineering principles to pilot- or larger-scale ethanol or biodiesel production; and (3) Production of other bio-based alternative fuels such as microbial hydrogen production, etc.
Chair:Brian Duff
CoChair:Marcus Rajchel
3:15 PMEthanol as Transportation Fuel - Production Technology Developments
Charles D. Tereck
3:35 PMMicrobial Conditioning of Corn Stover to Increase Ethanol Yield
Naresh Budhavaram, Aarti Gidh, Swetha Mahalaxmi, Dr. Clint W. Williford, Alfred Mikell
3:55 PMGaseous Biofuels Production from Sweet Sorghum and Olive Pulp
Gerasimos Lyberatos, Georgia Antonopoulou, Eleni Koutrouli, Haralambos Kalfas, Hariklia Gavala, Ioannis Skiadas
4:15 PMEngineering of Cellular Systems for Bioethanol Production Using Global Transcription Machinery Engineering
Hal S. Alper, Gerald Fink, Gregory N. Stephanopoulos
4:35 PMBreak
4:45 PMPretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Supercritical Fluids
Kripa K. Rao, Sasidhar Varanasi, Constance A. Schall, Dong Shik Kim
5:05 PMPervaporation Membranes Highly Selective for Solvents Produced by Fermentation
Atsawin Thongsukmak, Kamalesh K. Sirkar
5:25 PMA Novel Lipase Immobilization Technique Using Homopolymer Tethers of Amino Acids
Karl Schilke, Christine J. Kelly

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