Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Union Square 23 (Hilton San Francisco)
#204 - Self-Assembled Biomaterials (01C13)
This session will be devoted to work describing the self-assembly of biomaterials from polymers, amphiphiles, and particles. The building blocks may be either synthetic or biological in origin, but the conceived application for the eventual material should relate to medicine or biotechnology. Topics of interest include the assembly of microcapsules and nanocapsules for drug delivery, the assembly of gels or scaffolds for tissue engineering and wound healing, and the design of tailored surfaces for cell growth.
Chair:Srinivasa R. Raghavan
CoChair:Paschalis Alexandridis
8:30 AMUnderstanding, Chirality, Phase Behaviour and Ordering in Aqueous Suspensions of Fd Virus
Kirstin R. Purdy, Szabolcs Varga, Amparo Galindo, Seth Franden, George Jackson
8:50 AMDisassembly of Layer-by-Layer Films of Plasmid DNA and Reducible Tat Polypeptide
Jenifer Blacklock, Hitesh Handa, Devika Soundara Manickam, Guangzhao Mao, Ashis Mukhopadhyay, David Oupicky
9:10 AMTowards an in Vitro Model of Anti-Therapeutic Resistance: Drug Efflux Pump Supported Membranes Tethered on Silica Microstructures
Bin He, Manoj K. Sharma, Lane Gilchrist
9:30 AMSelf-Assembled Protein Polymers for the Development of Nanostructured Biomaterials
Wesley D. Marner II, Susan J. Muller, Jay D. Keasling
9:50 AMThe Kinetic Evolution of Mixtures of Anionic and Cationic Lipid Vesicles
Paul A. Beales, T. Kyle Vanderlick
10:10 AMInteractions between Fibrinogen and Peg Polymers in Aqueous Solution
Eleftheria Antoniou, Marina Tsianou, Sriram Neelamegham, Paschalis Alexandridis
10:30 AMMicroscopic Structure and Rheology of Salt-Responsive Hydrogels
Jun Sato, Victor Breedveld

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