Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Union Square 5 & 6 (Hilton San Francisco)
#350 - Interfacial and Electrochemical Phenomena in Microfluidics and Mems Devices (01C04)
This symposium will focus on interfacial, electrochemical, and transport issues that are critical to the understanding and development of microfluidic devices and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Especially sought are contributions that utilize the ability of these devices to control experimentation on a small scale, providing fundamental insight into chemical/physical/biological phenomena not seen on the macroscopic scale. Both theoretical and experimental studies are encouraged.
Chair:Sammy S. Datwani
CoChair:Carlton F. Brooks
8:30 AMAnalytical Model of Concentration Boundaries in Single Interface Isotachophoresis
Tarun Khurana, Juan G. Santiago
8:50 AMSeparation by Cyclic Electric Field-Flow Fractionation
Anuj Chauhan, Zhi Chen
9:10 AMCharacterisation of Ac Voltammetric Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics: from Patterns to Physical Parameters
Costas A. Anastassiou, Kim H Parker, Danny O'Hare
9:30 AMTransport of Fluid and Current in Nanofluidic Channels: Importance of the Electrical Double Layer Thickness
Dimiter N. Petsev, Zhen Yuan, Gabriel P. Lopez
9:50 AMMicrochip Based Hydraulic Pumps for Performing Pressure-Driven Separations
Debashis Dutta, J. Michael Ramsey
10:10 AMRapid Exploration of Phase Behavior in Surfactant Systems Using Microfluidics
Jinkee Lee, Arijit Bose, Anubhav Tripathi
10:30 AMSpot Welding Though a Molecular Boundary Layer Due to Repetitive Contact
Christopher Michael Doelling, T. Kyle Vanderlick

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