Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Union Square 17 & 18 (Hilton San Francisco)
#312 - Turbulent Flows (01J09)
This session will focus on theoretical, numerical, and experimental investigations of transport phenomena in turbulent flows.
Chair:Venkatramanan Raman
CoChair:Rodney O. Fox
3:15 PMScalar Transport in Turbulent Flows over Complex Surfaces
Simon Kuhn, Carsten Wagner, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr
3:30 PMTemperature and Number Density Measurements Using Raman Spectroscopy in Supersonic, Turbulent, Combusting Flows
Nigil Satish Jeyashekar, John M. Seiner
3:45 PMA Rans Model for Turbulent Drag Reduction by Polymer Injection
Eric S. G. Shaqfeh, Gianluca Iaccarino, Mansoo Shin
4:00 PMMechanisms of Particle Dispersion and Concentration in Unsteady Virtual Impaction Jets
Marwan L. Charrouf, Richard V. Calabrese
4:15 PMValidation of Les Simulation of a Large Helium Plume
Mohit Tandon, Rajesh Rawat, Philip J. Smith
4:30 PMA Novel Two-Phase Filtered Density Function Approach for Turbulent Spray Combustion
Venkatramanan Raman
4:45 PMExperimental Study of Turbulent Reactive Mixing in a Confined Rectangular Jet Reactor
Bo Kong, Michael G. Olsen, Rodney O. Fox, James C. Hill
5:00 PMRealizable Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model for Single Phase and Multiphase Turbulent Flows
Karuna S. Koppula, Andre Benard, Charles A. Petty
5:15 PMMulti-Environment Conditional Pdf Model Validation Study Using Reacting Flow Dns
Sean T. Smith, Rodney O. Fox, Jacqueline H. Chen, Evatt R. Hawkes
5:30 PMSpectral Mixing Model for the Composition Pdf of Inhomogeneous Scalar Fields in Isotropic Turbulence
Yang Liu, T. Vaithianathan, Lance R. Collins

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