Thursday, November 16, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Imperial B (Hilton San Francisco)
#549 - Genomic Approaches to Systems Biology I (TA001)
With high-throughput genomic technology becoming so prevalent, the natural next question is how to make use of such information. The goal for this session is to discuss how and where genomic technology is being used to advance or complement our understanding of systems biology. Likewise, is systems biology informing our approach to genomics? Research describing the development and testing of new hypotheses, as well as describing new techniques relating genomics and systems biology are welcome.
Chair:Peter J. Woolf
CoChair:Karen Duca
12:30 PMGibbs Sampling for Transcription Network Verification Using Gene Expression and Chip-Chip Data
Mark P. Brynildsen, James C. Liao
12:55 PMBioinformatic Profiling of Short Term Liver Response to Thermal Injury
Eric Yang, Timothy Maguire, Francois Berthiaume, Martin L. Yarmush, Ioannis Androulakis
1:20 PMImmune Signaling Gene Expression Exhibits Multiple Temporal Patterns in Influenza Infected Mouse Lung
Vy Lam, Rosa Gualano, Jessica Jones, Michelle Hansen, Gary Anderson, Karen Duca
1:45 PMGenomics for the Validation of in Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Models
Anthony R. Calabria, Eric Shusta
2:10 PMDefective Virus Genomes: toward Mechanisms of Emergence and Growth
Kristen A. Thompson, John Yin
2:35 PMAn Analysis of the Dose-Dependent Global Transcriptional Response of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae to Multiple DNA-Damaging Agents
Michael G. Benton, Sean P. Palecek

See more of Topical A: Systems Biology

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