Thursday, November 16, 2006: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Plaza A (Hilton San Francisco)
#572 - Advanced Methods and Concepts in Water Treatment and Production (T1005)
The need for safe and potable water resources is critical to human civilization and economic development. This session examines various treatment technologies for treating water and wastewaters. The focus will be on new and innovative technologies, such as nano-based technologies, membrane processing, advanced oxidation processes, integrated treatment techniques, etc. This session will bring together knowledgeable speakers to discuss the progress made on issues pertaining to new and innovative water treatment techniques. Contributions dealing with the coupling of water and energy will also be considered.
Chair:Robert W. Peters
CoChair:Jason T. Kirby
3:15 PMWelcoming Remarks
3:20 PMBiological Treatment of Perchlorate by Autotrophic Organisms Attached to Zero-Valent Iron
Marc A. Deshusses, Mark R. Matsumoto, Xueyuan Yu
3:40 PMCombinative Sonophotochemical and Sonophotocatalytic Oxidation Processes for the Treatment of Pollutants in Water: an Overview and Future Research Needs
Yusuf G. Adewuyi
4:00 PMA New Benign Separation System: Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids-Glucose-Water
Yuhuan Chen, Suojiang Zhang, Yanqiang Zhang
4:20 PMBreak
4:30 PMLiquid Phase Nitrate Reduction
Christoph Gruber, Marlene Fritz, Peter Letonja, Matthäus Siebenhofer, Rolf Marr
4:50 PMHeavy Metals Removal from Wastewater by Magnetic Field-Magnetotactic Bacteria Technology
Huiping Song, Xingang LI, Jinsheng Sun, Yanhong Wang
5:10 PMThe Prospect of Using Lng Regasification as a Heat Sink for Seawater Desalination
Salim M. Shaik, Thomas H. Ooi, Pehkonen O. Simo
5:30 PMConcluding Remarks

See more of Topical 1: Water Resource Conservation: Purification, Reclamation and Reuse

See more of The 2006 Annual Meeting