Thursday, November 16, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
California Room (Hilton San Francisco)
#506 - Mixing Issues in Industrial Processes I (06002)
In the U.S. chemical industries, poor mixing can cost billions of dollars annually in lost profits. Mixing issues can affect product yield, quality and physical attributes. Inadequate mixing can also cause manufacturing problems affecting reaction time, separations and final isolations. In this session we invite papers describing industrial case studies in mixing-related process development work, as well as methodologies to scale up or scale down mixing-sensitive processes.
Chair:David S. Dickey
CoChair:Brian K. Johnson
8:30 AMImpeller Design for Simultaneous Improvement of Economics and Efficiency
Julian B. Fasano, Kevin J. Myers, Eric E. Janz
8:55 AMThe Effect of Reduced Baffling on the Mixing Characteristics of a Retreat Blade Impeller Agitated Tank
Cesar Gonzalez, Paul A. Gillis, Atiemo-Obeng Victor
9:20 AMExperimental and Computational Determination of the Hydrodynamics in a Stirred Tank Reactor Provided with a Retreat Blade Impeller
Giuseppe Di Benedetto, Piero M. Armenante
9:45 AMDrawdown of Floating Solids in Stirred Tanks: Baffle Design to Minimize Power Consumption
Oscar Khazam, Suzanne Kresta
10:10 AMSimulation of Continuous Boric Acid Slurry Reactors in Series by Microfluid and Macrofluid Models
Gaye Ö. Çakal, Inci Eroglu, Saim Özkar
10:35 AMInterstage Backmixing and Purging Performance of a Multistage Solids Purge Column
W. Roy Penney

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