Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Franciscan A (Hilton San Francisco)
#210 - Transport and Reaction in Heterogeneous and Porous Systems (01D03)
This session focuses particularly on coupled transport and reaction processes. Many of the papers are concerned with these processes in catalysts, however the session is more general than that and includes transport and reaction in any dispersed, multiphase system.
Chair:Karsten E. Thompson
CoChair:Kishore Mohanty
8:30 AMInertial Effects on Dispersion in Porous Media
Brian D. Wood
8:52 AMModels and Experiments on the Preparation of Silicon Carbide Microporous Membranes
Feng Chen, Babak Fayyaz, Rayan Mourhatch, Muhammad Sahimi, Theodore T. Tsotsis
9:14 AMDevelopment and Application of Modeling Tools for Mass Transport and Catalytic Reaction in Nanostructured Membranes
Simon E. Albo, Randall Q. Snurr, Linda J. Broadbelt
9:36 AMA Novel Experimental Method to Identify Reaction Region in Reactive Viscous Fingering
Yuichiro Nagatsu, Takashi Ogawa, Yoshihito Kato, Yutaka Tada
9:57 AMOptimization of Microfluidic Biofuel Cells Using Transport Principles
Anubhav Tripathi, Keng Guan Lim, Tayhas Palmore
10:18 AMWormholing in Radial Flow
Nitika Kalia, Kishore Mohanty, Vemuri Balakotaiah
10:39 AMSimulation of Random Sphere Packings Using an Evolutionary Optimization Method
Le Yan, Karsten E. Thompson

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