Thursday, November 16, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Union Square 23 (Hilton San Francisco)
#551 - Impact of Process Intensification on Process Design (12F00)
Papers in this session examine the practical aspects of retrofitting an intensified process in an existing installation, as well as the benefits derived. For example, review issues involved in the transition, what the key issue is the might drive the change, and financial, exergy or environmental improvements after the change.
Cochairs:Jonathan H. Worstell
Laurence R. Weatherley
12:30 PMSystematic Retrofit Design of Batch Processes Using an Indicator and Model Based Framework
Levente L. Simon, Ulrich Fischer, Konrad Hungerbuehler
12:51 PMComparison of Enzymatic and Chemical Epoxidation of Oleic Acid Esters in a Fluidised Bed Reactor
Daniela H. Müller, Florian Pontzen, Sven Eichholz, Marcel A. Liauw, Lasse Greiner
1:12 PMExperimental Study of the Process for Making Tackifier Dispersions Used in Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
Daoyun Song, Wu Zhang, Earl G. Melby, Rakesh K. Gupta
1:33 PMExperimental Verification of Hydrodynamic Multiplicity in an Industrial Trickle Bed Reactor
Werner Van der Merwe, Arie J. van Houwelingen, Willie Nicol
1:54 PMGas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Slug Flow through Narrow Channels
Srinivasan Ambatipati, Roshan J. J. Jachuck
2:15 PMExperimental and Theoretical Investigation of Photopolymerization Using a Narrow Channel Reactor
Venkata Nekkanti, Roshan J. J. Jachuck
2:36 PMThermodynamic and Graphical Analysis of Integrated Processes: a Reactive Distillation Process Case Study
Geoffrey K. Ngigi, Bilal Patel, David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt

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