Monday, November 13, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Franciscan A (Hilton San Francisco)
#73 - Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity (20042)
This session focuses on understanding the fundamentals of surface reactivity at the atomistic scale.
Chair:Will Medlin
CoChair:Alan E. Nelson
12:30 PMChiral Surfaces and Enantioselectivity
Andrew J. Gellman, Ye Huang, Joshua D. Horvath, Anjannette Koritnik
12:50 PMA Density Functional Theory Investigation of Methane Activation on a Palladium Oxide Catalyst
Brian R. Kromer, Fabio H. Ribeiro, Kendall T. Thomson
1:10 PMAlkali-Promotion in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Dft Studies of the Pressure- and Temperature-Dependant Impact of Alkalis on Oxidation Reactions
Jeb Adams, Suljo Linic
1:30 PMControlling Immobilized Amine Reactivity Via Tailored Surface Environments
John D. Bass, John J. Daniels, Alexander Katz
1:50 PMFirst-Principle Comparison of Co and No Oxidation at Oxide Surfaces
William F. Schneider, Hangyao Wang
2:10 PMCoverage Effects in the Adsorption Energy of Oxygen on Pd and Ag(111)
John Kitchin
2:30 PMDissociation of Water on Defective Carbon Substrates
Erik E. Santiso, Milen K. Kostov, Keith E. Gubbins, Aaron M. George, Marco Buongiorno-Nardelli

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