Friday, November 17, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Franciscan B (Hilton San Francisco)
#664 - Experimental Verification of Multiphase Reaction Engineering Models (20038)
The primary focus of this session is to provide a forum where experimental methods for multiphase reacting systems are used as a means of validating theoretical models for multiphase reactors. The challenges of obtaining detailed data generated by advanced models for purposes of validation are also discussed.
Chair:Patrick L. Mills
CoChair:M. P. Dudukovic
12:30 PMMultiphase Microreactors - Synthesis and Scaling
Klavs F. Jensen, Nuria de Mas, Axel Guenther, Saif Khan, Michiel Kreutzer, Eddie Murphy
12:55 PMExperimental and Theoretical Explorations of Weak and Strong Gradient Magnetic Fields in Chemical Multiphase Processes
Faical Larachi, Mugurel Munteanu, Damien Desvigne
1:20 PMMultiple Hydrodynamic States in Trickle Flow: Correlating Pressure Drop and Liquid Holdup
Werner Van der Merwe, Dylan S. Loudon, Willie Nicol
1:45 PMA Combined Experimental and Computational Study of Flow Regimes in a Spout-Fluid Bed
Hans Kuipers
2:10 PMFrom Simple Lubrication Models to Industrial Multiphase Monolith Reactors
Michiel T. Kreutzer, Freek Kapteijn, Jacob A. Moulijn
2:35 PMSinglet-Oxygen Generation Via Microscale Trickle-Bed Reactor Array: Experiments and Modeling
Benjamin A. Wilhite, Tyrone F. Hill, Luis F. Velasquez-Garcia, Klavs F. Jensen, Alan H. Epstein, Carol Livermore

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