Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Franciscan C (Hilton San Francisco)
#341 - Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Reaction Engineering (20027)
This session is devoted to the application and development of computational fluid dynamics for reacting systems.
Chair:Anthony G. Dixon
CoChair:Nitin H. Kolhapure
8:30 AMWelcoming Remarks
8:32 AMMulti-Environment Probability Density Function Method for Modeling Turbulent Combustion Using Detailed Chemistry
Qing Tang, Wei Zhao, Mike Bockelie, Rodney O. Fox
8:53 AMModeling Coupled Reactive Flow and Evaporation within a Multistage Reactor
Hua Bai, Debashis Chakraborty, Daniel Trauth, Genong Li, Aseem Jain
9:14 AMComparison of a Fully Coupled and a Decoupled Solver for the Simulation of Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Edward Baudrez, Juray De Wilde, Geraldine J. Heynderickx, Guy B. Marin
9:35 AMCfd Modeling of a Fixed Bed Reactor for Strongly Endothermic Reactions
M. Ertan Taskin, Anthony G. Dixon, Hugh Stitt
9:56 AMPore-Scale Simulation of Transport Processes in Fixed-Beds: Combining a Lattice Boltzmann Cfd Method and a Particle Tracking Method
Hannsjörg Freund, Jürgen Bauer, Thomas Zeiser, Gerhard Emig
10:17 AMCfd Modeling of Slurry Bubble Column Reactor for Fisher-Tropsch Synthesis
Andrey Troshko
10:38 AMPredicting Combustion in Packed Bed Reactor Using Udfs and Eulerian Model
Anhkien Le, Xuanhai Le
10:59 AMConcluding Remarks

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