Monday, November 13, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Mason (Hilton San Francisco)
#74 - Identification and Application of New Solvents and Processes for Separations (02C01)
Solvent extraction continues to be an important separation unit operation. The increasing needs to achieve higher recoveries and selectivities from feeds of lower product concentrations demand improvements in our understanding of extraction fundamentals, along with our consideration of new solvents, new processes, and new contacting and sensing/monitoring equipment. This session will focus on paper presentations that address approaches to the identification and application of new solvents in extraction, including ionic liquids and aqueous two-phase systems. Papers are welcome that deal with experimental and theoretical work.
Chair:Paul Scovazzo
12:30 PMDesign of Ionic Liquid Solvents for Extractive Desulfurization
Esam Z. Hamad
12:55 PMUsing Tunable Solvents to Couple Biphasic Extraction with Homogeneous Reactions
Elizabeth M. Hill, James M. Broering, Jason P. Hallett, Andreas S. Bommarius, Charles Liotta, Charles A. Eckert
1:20 PMVisualization of Mass Transfer from an Electrically Charged Pendant Drop
Laurence R. Weatherley, Zheyan Qiu, Jerzy Petera
1:45 PMChemical Reaction with Extraction - Investigation of Catalysts for Synthesis of Methyl Acetate
Gregor Demel, Susanne Lux, Matthäus Siebenhofer, Rolf Marr
2:10 PMNonisothermal Dynamic Model of a Supercritical Fluid Extraction Packed Column
João B. Fernandes, Rui Ruivo, José P. B. Mota, Pedro C. Simões
2:35 PMOptimization of Whole Broth Extraction: a Case Study of Secondary Metabolite Isolation
Jennifer M. Pollard, Rebecca A. Chmielowski, Kent E. Göklen

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