Thursday, November 16, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Plaza A (Hilton San Francisco)
#495 - Desalination Processes - I (T1000)
Advances in seawater desalination including but not limited to membrane and thermal desalination, concentrate handling, feed intake and integrated desalination-energy systems. Desalination of brackish groundwater and high salinity surface water in inland locations. Such locations represent a challege of concentrate handling and thus require operation at high product water recovery or zero-liquid discharge.
Chair:Mark Wilf
CoChair:Jack Gilron
8:30 AMNumerical Modeling Mineral Salt Surface Scaling in Reverse Osmosis Modules Using Single Crystal Growth Kinetics
Eric Lyster, Michal Uchymiak, Yoram Cohen, Francesc Giralt
8:55 AMThe Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Forward Osmosis Desalination Process: a High Recovery Alternative to Reverse Osmosis
Jeffrey R. McCutcheon, Robert L. McGinnis, Menachem Elimelech
9:20 AMMultiscale Studies of Membrane Distillation of Saline Water-–Experimental Results and Modeling
Kamalesh K. Sirkar, Liming Song, Baoan Li, Zidu Ma, Praveen B. Kosaraju
9:45 AMReal-Time Mineral Scale Detection and Characterization Using a High Pressure Ro Ex-Situ Scale Observation Detector
Michal Uchymiak, Eric Lyster, Julius Glater, Yoram Cohen
10:10 AMEvaluating the Scaling Potential in Crossflow Membrane Distillation Modules
Fei He, Jack Gilron, Hanyong Lee, Kamalesh K. Sirkar
10:35 AMHigh-Efficiency Seawater Desalination Via Nf/Ro Multi-Pass Arrays
Dian Tanuwidjaja, Eric M. V. Hoek

See more of Topical 1: Water Resource Conservation: Purification, Reclamation and Reuse

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