Friday, November 17, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Powell (Hilton San Francisco)
#646 - Semiconductor Surface Chemistry (01G04)
This session will focus on fundamental chemistry on semiconductor surfaces.
Chair:Christos G. Takoudis
CoChair:John G. Ekerdt
8:30 AMImpact of Surface Chemistry and Mg:O Flux on Magnesium Oxide Thin Film Heteroepitaxy on Hexagonal Silicon Carbide for Integration of Functional Oxides
Trevor L. Goodrich, Zhuhua Cai, Katherine S. Ziemer
8:50 AMProbing Interactions of Ge with Chemical and Thermal Si02 to Understand Selective Growth of Ge on Si during Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Qiming Li, Joshua L. Krauss, Stephen Hersee, Sang M. Han
9:10 AMInvestigations of Silane Adsorption and Reaction on Oxygen-Covered Metal Surfaces
Dylan C. Kershner, Will Medlin
9:30 AMSurface Chemistry for the Growth of Epitaxial Oxide Layers on Si(001)-2x1
A. C. Cuadra, D. B. Skliar, W. A. Tisdale III, Brian G. Willis
9:50 AMStm Manipulation and First Principles Simulation of a Molybdenum Disulfide Surface
Hua Ma, Jian Shu Yang, Wangzuo Shangguan, Natarajan Chandrasekhar, Mark Saeys
10:10 AMSurface Chemistry of Ferroelectric Lithium Niobate
Yang Yun, Min Li, Jun Wang, Diana Liao, Lorenz Kampschulte, Eric I. Altman
10:30 AMThe Role of Dative Bonding in the Reactivity of Semiconductor and Metal Oxide Surfaces
Yuniarto Widjaja, Collin Mui, Atashi Mukhopadhyay, Charles B. Musgrave

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