Thursday, November 16, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Yerba Buena Ballroom 3 (Marriott San Francisco)
#532 - Biomaterials for Drug Delivery I (08B02)
This session will cover the design and utilization of biomaterials for drug delivery applications with particular focus on how biomaterial properties (e.g. mechanical properties, chemical composition, degradation kinetics, micro/nano-structure, etc.) match the specific drug delivery application. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, stimuli-sensitive or targeted delivery, enhancement of transfection efficiency with specific biomaterial properties, novel biomaterials for macromolecular delivery, and influence of biomaterials on intracellular trafficking or transport of drugs.
Chair:Rebecca L. Carrier
CoChair:Madeline Torres-Lugo
12:30 PMWelcoming Remarks
12:33 PMPhotocured Hyaluronic Acid Films Functionalized with Cyclodextrin
Scott A. Zawko, Christine E. Schmidt
12:54 PMMolecular Analysis of Interpolymer Complexing Hydrogels Based on Poly(Methacrylic Acid) and N-Vinyl Pyrrolidone as Carriers for Protein Delivery by Transmucosal Transport
Daniel A. Carr, Nicholas A. Peppas
1:15 PMHydrogel-Nanofiber Composite Systems for Drug Delivery— Kinetics of Fiber Hydrolysis and Drug Release
Ya Liang, Anthony M. Lowman, Giuseppe R. Palmese
1:36 PMGene Delivery from Polymer Scaffolds for Angiogenesis
Christopher B. Rives, Xiaomin Zhang, Elizabeth Hughes, Dixon B. Kaufman, William L. Lowe Jr., Stuart R. Stock, Lonnie D. Shea
1:57 PMDevelopment and Evaluation of Minocycline/Rifampicin-Impregnated Silicone Catheters: a Potential Tool for the Treatment of Csf Shunt Infection
Xuemei Liang, Anfeng Wang, Haiying Tang, Ting Cao, James P. Mcallister II, Steven O. Salley, K. Y. Simon Ng
2:18 PMRelease of DNA from Intravascular Stents Coated with Ultrathin Multilayered Polyelectrolyte Films
Christopher M. Jewell, Jingtao Zhang, Nathaniel J. Fredin, Matthew R. Wolff, Timothy A. Hacker, David M. Lynn
2:39 PMBiomaterials Based on Polyethylene Glycol-Dihydroxyacetone Block Copolymers
Peter N. Zawaneh, David Putnam

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