Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Yerba Buena Ballroom 3 (Marriott San Francisco)
#375 - Biomaterials II (08B01)
This session deals with cutting edge developments in biomaterials design, synthesis, and application, broadly defined.
Chair:Vadim V. Guliants
CoChair:Scott A. Guelcher
12:30 PMMultilayer Core-Shell Nanocomposite Particles for Enhanced Uva/Uvb Protection in Sunscreens Via Atomic Layer Deposition
David M. King, Luis F. Hakim, Steven M. George, Alan W. Weimer
12:50 PMStrong Effects of Charge and Salt on Polymersome Membrane Elasticity
David A. Christian, Dennis E. Discher
1:10 PMCrosslinked, Self-Assembled Protein Nanocapsules
Marcella Yu, Lisa E. Goldsmith, Harold G. Monbouquette, Leonard H. Rome
1:30 PMDesign of Nanoparticle Charge and Architecture for Modulation of Cell-Ldl Interactions Underlying Atherogenesis
Nicole M. Plourde, N. Iverson, E. Dawson, J. Wang, K. Uhrich, P. Moghe
1:50 PMAsymmetric Caco3 Crystal Growth through Confinement
Martin F. Colaco, Harvey W. Blanch
2:10 PMGramicidin Channel Incorporated Bilayer Supported on Hierarchical Porous Inorganic Membrane
Deepak Singh, Carrie Eggen, Jerry Y.S. Lin, John Cuppoletti
2:30 PMNonfouling and Responsive Zwitterionic Hydrogels with Improved Mechanical Properties
Zheng Zhang, Lingyun Liu, Timothy Chao, Shengfu Chen, Shaoyi Jiang

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