Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 3:00 PM-6:00 PM
Continental 7 (Hilton San Francisco)
#416 - Separations in Biopharmaceutical Downstream Processing II (Including Pat Applications) (T2012)
This is a continuation of Part I (session T2013), including PAT applications in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, process development and research and development.
Chair:Min Jiang
CoChair:John F. Peragine
3:00 PMUtilizing on-Line Hplc to Enable Process Monitoring, Automation, and Control of Downstream Unit Operations in a Biopharmaceutical Process
Joseph J. Zajac, Jimmy D. Engle, Jerry L. Shrake, Rick E. Cooley
3:25 PMInstantaneous Microbial Detector for Pat Application
J. P. Jiang
3:50 PMAffinity Enhanced Gel Permeation Chromatography of Proteins upon Modification with Multi-Ligand Affinity Carriers
Javier Garcia, Roberto Guzman
4:15 PMPurification of Factor V Leiden Molecule from Homozygous Patient's Plasma for Biosensor Development
Samin Rezania, Yongjie Ren, Kyung A. Kang
4:40 PMPreparative-Scale Dynamic Field Gradient Focusing: Proof of Concept
Noah I. Tracy, Cornelius F. Ivory
5:05 PMManipulation of the Adsorption of Factor II, a Protein C Homologue, Using Imidazole during Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography Purification of Protein C from Cohn Fraction IV-1
James J. Lee, Duane F. Bruley, Kyung A. Kang

See more of Topical 2: Discovery, Development and Delivery of Medicines

See more of The 2006 Annual Meeting