Friday, November 17, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Franciscan D (Hilton San Francisco)
#641 - Process Development Tools for Pharmaceutical Process Development (T2004)
The pharmaceutical engineering lab is endowed with on-line probes that hold the promise of rapid process development without sacrificing process understanding. This session will focus on the application of these lab tools in solving process problems.
Chair:Shailendra V. Bordawekar
CoChair:Brent Nielsen
8:30 AMShear-Induced Compaction of Pharmaceutical Formulations
Marcos Llusa, Bodhisattwa Chaudhuri, M. Silvina Tomassone, Mobeen Faqih, Amit Mehrotra, Fernando J. Muzzio
8:51 AMA Numerical Investigation of Air Flow during Tablet Compression
Douglas M. Kremer
9:12 AMCombined Experimental and Modeling Study of a Kinetic Resolution
John W. Shabaker, Srinivas Tummala, Erqing Tang, Olav Lyngberg, Lindsay Hobson
9:33 AMOn-Line Ftir Measurements for the Pilot-Plant Scale-up of a Borane Reduction Process
Camille O. Anderson, George Zhou, Brian Phenix
9:54 AMDevelopment of a Generic Process Model for Dynamic Simulation of Protein Downstream Processes
Constantin Frerick, Peter Kreis, Andrzej Górak
10:15 AMCatalyst Trap Microreactor for Pharmaceutical Hydrogenation
Shaun M. McGovern, G. Harish, Ronald S. Besser
10:36 AMIon Exchange Process Development with Pat
James Marek, Shekhar K. Viswanath, John Tolle

See more of Topical 2: Discovery, Development and Delivery of Medicines

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