Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Union Square 3 & 4 (Hilton San Francisco)
#272 - Computational Studies of Self Assembly II (01A02)
This session seeks papers that explore the thermodynamics, structural and dynamical properties of self-assembled systems. Subjects of interest include, but are not limited to: colloidal forces driving assembly, hierarchical organization, structural transitions, phase behavior, and multi-scale models spanning molecular to mesoscopic length and time scales for assembly. The emphasis is on simulation and computational papers, but theoretical models and complementary experimental papers are also welcome.
Chair:Jan V. Sengers
CoChair:Venkat Ganesan
3:15 PMMonte Carlo Simulations of Self-Assembly for Amphiphilic Nanoparticles
Jonathan R. Davis, T. Kyle Vanderlick, Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos
3:31 PMIcosahedral Packing of Polymer-Tethered Nanospheres and Stabilization of the Gyroid Phase
Christopher R. Iacovella, Aaron S. Keys, Mark A. Horsch, Sharon C. Glotzer
3:47 PMSearching for Ordered Dense Packings of Particle Systems
M. Navarro, P. a. Monson
4:03 PMA Monte Carlo Analysis of Crystallization Free Energy Barriers in Colloidal Systems with DNA-Mediated Interactions
Raynaldo Scarlett, John C. Crocker, Talid R. Sinno
4:19 PMSelf Assembly of Nanoparticle-Polymer-Nanoparticle Triblocks
Bettina S. John, Fernando A. Escobedo
4:35 PMGeometric Model of Depletion Forces in Hard-Sphere Colloidal Dispersions Exposed to Various Surfaces
Daniel W. Siderius, David S. Corti
4:51 PMCosmomic: Extending Cosmo-Rs to Self-Assembled Structures
Andreas Klamt
5:07 PMSelf-Assembly in Ternary Systems Containing Symmetric Amphiphilic Chains and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Precursors
Alessandro Patti, Allan D. Mackie, Flor R. Siperstein
5:23 PMComputational Design of a Single-Chain Four-Helix Bundle Protein with a Non-Biological Ru(II)Polypyridyl-(Porphinato)Zn(II) Cofactor
Andreas Lehmann, H. Christopher Fry, Donald E. Engel, Michael J. Therien, William F. DeGrado, Jeffery G. Saven

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