Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Union Square 5 & 6 (Hilton San Francisco)
#255 - Reactions in near and Supercritical Fluids I (01F00)
Papers are solicited that address new experimental and theoretical investigations of reactions (or reactive processing) in supercritical fluids (SCF) or high-pressure media, including gas-expanded liquids. Some areas of interest are homogeneous catalytic reactions both organometallic or biocatalytic, heterogeneous catalysis, biphasic systems, innovative reaction/separation schemes which take advantage of the variable solvent power of SCFs, and continuous reactions in high-pressure media.
Chair:Keith W. Hutchenson
CoChair:Aaron M. Scurto
12:30 PMSolvent Effects in Ionic Liquid Production in Conventional and Dense-Phase C O2 Systems
Jay Schleicher, Aaron M. Scurto
12:55 PMSolvent-Free Synthesis of Poly (Phenylene Ether) (Ppe) in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Hiroshi Inomata, Ai Yamasaki, Yuta Sugiyama, Hideto Mikami, Masaru Watanabe, Yoshiyuki Sato, Richard L. Smith
1:20 PMCatalyst and Media Alternatives in the Oxidation of P-Xylene to Terepthalic Acid
Bhuma Rajagopalan, Kirk Snavely, Daryle H. Busch, Bala Subramaniam
1:45 PMSupercritical Fluid Oxidation of Oleic Acid
Darrell L. Sparks, Rafael Hernandez, Todd French, Hossein Toghiani, Rebecca K. Toghiani, Earl Alley, Mark E. Zappi
2:10 PMSolid Acid Catalyzed Esterification of Free Fatty Acids in Oil Using Co2 Enhanced Media
Susan M. Stagg-Williams, Lina Zhao
2:35 PMDensity Functional Theory Study of Glyceraldehyde Hydrolysis in Supercritical Water
Tetsuo Honma, Masatoshi Hakamada, Yoshio Sato, Kiyohiko Tajima, Hideo Hattori, Hiroshi Inomata

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