Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Union Square 1 & 2 (Hilton San Francisco)
#209 - Thermophysical Properties of Biological Systems I (01A09)
The focus of this session is the study of complex processes in biological systems. Contributions from theoreticians, simulators, and experimentalists are welcome. Suggested topics include protein-protein interactions, concentration and crowding effects on biomolecular folding and stability, misfolding and aggregation events, interactions of proteins with interfaces, and self-assembly of biological molecules.
Chair:Donald P. Visco Jr.
CoChair:Shekhar Garde
8:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
8:32 AMA Computer Simulation and Theoretical Study of Hybridization in Model DNA Microarrays
Arthi Jayaraman, Carol K. Hall, Jan Genzer
8:50 AMMonte Carlo Simulations of the Thermal Denaturation Transition of Model DNA Chains in Solution
Juan C. Araque, Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos, Marc A. Robert
9:08 AMUnraveling the Behavior of DNA through Multiscale Modeling
Thomas A. Knotts IV, Stephan Deublein, Juan J. De Pablo
9:26 AMAn Integrated Thermodynamical Approach to Predict the Melting Temperature and Stability of an Oligonucleotide Duplex in Solution and on Surface
Ayse Bilge Ozel, Erdogan Gulari
9:44 AMRole of Secondary Structure in Polymer Translocation through a Protein Nanopore: a Langevin Dynamics Study
Ajay S. Panwar, Murugappan Muthukumar
10:02 AMDNA Structure within a Virus Particle
Andrew Spakowitz, Luis Comolli, Cristina E. Siegerist, Shelley Grimes, Paul Jardine, Kenneth H. Downing, Dwight Anderson, Carlos Bustamante
10:20 AMMolecular Dynamics Simulations of Viral Capsid Self-Assembly
Hung D. Nguyen, Charles L. Brooks III
10:38 AMStructure and Osmotic Properties of DNA in Lambda Bacteriophages
Zhidong Li, Jianzhong Wu
10:56 AMConcluding Remarks

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