Monday, November 13, 2006: 8:30 AM-11:00 AM
Union Square 1 & 2 (Hilton San Francisco)
#24 - Fundamentals of Protein Degradation and Stabilization (01A06)
Protein degradation occurs throughout the life cycle of biotechnology products, and can involve a variety of physical and chemical routes. This session seeks contributions that focus at a fundamental level on the mechanism(s), kinetics, and/or quantitative modeling of one or more degradation pathways for proteins in vitro or in vivo. These may include, but are not limited to: deamidation, oxidation, proteolysis, and non-native aggregation. Priority will be given to those contributions that provide insights or applications of general use, and those that apply modern computational or theoretical tools.
Chair:Christopher J. Roberts
CoChair:Bernhardt L. Trout
8:30 AMSelf-Assembly, Phase Separation, and Unfolding of Coarse-Grained Proteins in Solution
Jason K. Cheung, Vincent K. Shen, Jeffrey R. Errington, Thomas M. Truskett
8:55 AMComputer Simulation of Fibril Forming Peptides with an Intermediate Resolution Protein Model
Victoria Wagoner, Carol K. Hall
9:20 AMComputing Free Energies of Peptide-Mediated Protein-Protein Interactions in Modeling Immune System Response
Jindal K. Shah, Dilip Asthagiri, Michael E. Paulaitis
9:45 AMImpact of Ion Hydration and Preferential Interactions on Salt-Induced Protein Deactivation Kinetics
James M. Broering, Andreas S. Bommarius
10:10 AMThermodynamics, Structure, and Oligomerization States of Key Intermediates in Non-Native Chymotrypsinogen Aggregate Initiation and Growth
Jennifer Andrews, Christopher J. Roberts
10:35 AMStructural Studies of the Self-Assembly and Stability of Viral Capsids
Hung D. Nguyen, Charles L. Brooks III

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