Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 3:15 PM-5:45 PM
Yosemite C (Hilton San Francisco)
#285 - Inorganic Membranes for Gas and Vapor Separation (02D08)
This session focuses on leading-edge developments in both gas/vapor separations membranes and applications. Papers reporting novel materials concepts as well as novel applications of membranes for gas separation are welcome.
Chair:Benny D. Freeman
CoChair:Babak Fayyaz-Najafi
3:15 PMPermeation and Separation Characteristics of Mfi Type Zeolite Membranes on Zirconia Intermediate Layer by Template-Free Secondary Growth Method
Masakoto Kanezashi, Jessica O'Brien, Jerry Y.S. Lin
3:45 PMMass Transport through Zeolite Membranes: Investigating Framework Polarity
Jelan Kuhn, Joachim Gross, Pieter J. Jansens, Jacobus C. Jansen
4:15 PMSmall Pore Zeolites as Materials for Gas Separation Membranes
David S. Sholl, David A. Newsome, Sang-eun Jee, Haibin Chen
4:45 PMSurface Modification of Pd Membranes with Cu
Natalie Pomerantz, Yi Hua Ma
5:15 PMThe Preparation and Characterization of Hydrotalcite Membranes
Tae wook Kim, Muhammad Sahimi, Theodore T. Tsotsis

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