Tuesday, November 14, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Yosemite B (Hilton San Francisco)
#241 - Mixed Matrix Membranes (02D05)
Limitations encountered using conventional membrane materials are being overcome by blending organic and inorganic phases. This session invites papers on application of mixed matrix membranes for improved separations, as well for cross-cutting applications such as membrane reactors.
Chair:Santi Kulprathipanja
CoChair:Paul Scovazzo
12:30 PMDendrimer-Ceramic Composite Membranes for Challenging Separations
Sukjoon Yoo, Jonathan Lunn, Robert L. Sherman, Eric E. Simanek, Daniel F. Shantz, David M. Ford
12:55 PMThe Importance of Dope Stability in Mixed Matrix Hollow Fiber Membrane Formation
Shabbir Husain, William Ryan Collins, Shu Shu, Victor Breedveld, William J. Koros
1:20 PMPermeability Enhancement in Nanoparticle Filled Polymeric Membranes
Scott T. Matteucci, Haiqing Lin, Victor Kusuma, Sumod Kalakkunnath, Anita J. Hill, Sherry Mayo, Douglass S. Kalika, Benny D. Freeman
1:45 PMA Novel Ion Exchange Treatment of Zeolite for the Application of Mixed Matrix Membranes in Natural and Hydrocarbon Separation
Yi Li, Pei Shi Tin, Tai-Shung Chung, Santi Kulprathipanja
2:10 PMBottom up Synthesis of Composite Membranes
William A. Phillip, Marc A. Hillmyer, Edward L. Cussler
2:35 PMFacilitated Transport of Thiophenes through Ag2O-Filled P D M S Membranes
Rongbin Qi, Yujun Wang, Jiding Li, Shenlin Zhu

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