Wednesday, November 15, 2006: 12:30 PM-3:00 PM
Powell (Hilton San Francisco)
#381 - Characterization of Nanoporous Materials (02E06)
This session will focus on various aspects of characterization of nanoporosity. Materials of interest include microporous carbons, zeolites, metal-organic frameworks, templated mesoporous solids, hybrid organic-inorganic structures and films, as well as other materials in which nanoscale porosity plays a crucial role in determining their engineering properties. Of special interest are papers that employ a combination of experimental and simulation/modeling studies, different characterization techniques (gas/vapor adsorption, scattering/diffraction methods, electron microscopy etc), and papers that emphasize the use of well-ordered nanoporous structures as model adsorbent materials.
Chair:Peter I. Ravikovitch
CoChair:Matthias Thommes
12:30 PMIntroductory Remarks
12:33 PMApplicability of the B.E.T Method for Obtaining Surface Areas in Metal-Organic Frameworks
Krista S. Walton, Houston Frost, Randall Q. Snurr
12:51 PMUnderstanding the Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Au
Luis A. Zepeda-Ruiz, Mark A. Duchaineau, Juergen Biener, Andrea M. Hodge, Joel R. Hayes, Alex V. Hamza, Farid F. Abraham
1:09 PMEvaluation of Thermoporometry for the Characterization of Mesoporous Materials
Akira Endo, Takuji Yamamoto, Koichi Iwakabe, Takao Ohmori, Masaru Nakaiwa
1:27 PMMicrostructural Analysis and Adsorption Properties of Porous Carbons Using Molecular Simulation
Surendra K. Jain, Keith E. Gubbins, Roland J.-M. Pellenq
1:45 PMCharacterization of Cubic Mesoporous Tio2 Thin Films by Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Porosimetry Technique
Jean Philippe Piel, Patrice Heinrich, Yann Turcant, Jean Louis Stehlé
2:03 PMThree-Dimensional Reconstruction of Mesoporous Materials Using Gas Adsorption and Structure Factor Data
Lev Gelb, Rafael Salazar
2:21 PMStructural Characterization of Sba-15 Silica by 29Si-NMR and in-Situ Synchrotron Small-Angle Diffraction Studies of Physisorbed Films
Gerhard H. Findenegg, Susanne Jaehnert, Gerald A. Zickler, Oskar Paris, Daniel Mauder, Ilya G. Shenderovich, Hans-Heinrich Limbach
2:39 PMCharacterization of Polymer-Templated Micro- Mesoporous Silicas by Gas Adsorption, Small Angle X-Ray Scattering and Dft Modeling
Peter I. Ravikovitch, Alexander V. Neimark, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Mietek Jaroniec, Leonid A. Solovyov
2:57 PMConcluding Remarks

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