Zn-insulin crystals have been shown to grow by the spreading of layers so that the growth sites, the kinks are located at the edges of unfinished layers, the steps. Kinks are known to be generated either by thermal fluctuations or one-dimensional nucleation of new crystalline rows. The kink density determines the rate at which steps advance, and these two kink-generation mechanisms lead to weak near-linear responses of the growth rate to concentration variations. We demonstrate for the crystallization of Zn-insulin a novel mechanism of kink generation, whereby 2D clusters of several insulin molecules appear at the steps either by assisted 2D nucleation or association after pre-formation on the terraces between steps. This leads to several-fold faster rate of crystallization and its high sensitivity to small increases of the Zn-insulin concentration (1).
(1)Georgiou, D. K.; Vekilov, P. G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006, 103, 1681